Local life
The four pictures you see below were taken in the space of about 10 minutes last night, and are in random order. Anyone care to guess the sequence of events ?
(all pictures can be enlarged by pointing and clicking)

Picture 4
A previous post of mine, on Jaume Plensa's 'Nomade', viewed at its unveiling ceremony in daylight, might just provide a clue ...
Technical PS: anyone know why I get those haloes when using the flash on my horrid digital camera (can't wait to replace it with something better) ?
Looks like you came a cropper on a bollard. At least skin mends without peril to your no-claims bonus...
You're close, Sarah, but it wasn't one of the bollards - it was something much harder to see in the dark, and a ridiculous, unecessary hazard, being right next to a busy port-side road.
I went flat on my face, but fortunately there was a break in the traffic.
Like to try again ?
PS I remember you telling us about your mishap, and the financial sting in the tail.
Hmm. Did you cycle into the chain linking the bollards?
Nice legs...
Well spotted, Gigi. That confounded chain was well-nigh invisible so Muggins walked into it at speed, and went flat on his face in the road.
If it were the States, I could probably sue. Here all I could look forward to are a few Gallic shrugs, and perhaps hints I was a tourist "unsteady" on his feet, or similar euphemisms.
In fact, I just wanted to see the splendid Nomade close up. As you can see, it's illuminated at night (unlike pedestrian crossings, chains strung between bollards etc).
Do you remember my comment on the blog about your video/camera which I suggested you might do yourself a mischief if you kept your eye to the viewfinder? I said you might need some plasters and bandages....I didn't realise I was being prophetic, but you were warned! ;)
Well, it's going to be difficult to talk my way out of that one, Phoenix.
The pix certainly tell a story of someone whose camera is forever recording, on the offchance of something of note occurring in an otherwise boring existence.
In fact I went home first, for sympathy and TLC naturally, then hobbled back to record my hard-luck story for posterity. ( Well, I needed to have something to blog about...).
I see you've finally bade farewell to YourTel ! Join the Sanity Preservation Society !
I speak from experience when it comes to falling down steps or twisting my ankle due to having a camera or video glued to my eye!
Dangerous pursuits really, they should come with a health warning!
I enjoyed reading about your travels in your guest appearance on CR's blog. Have you ever considered writing for escapeartist.com? Take a look at this link www.escapeartist.com/Travel_Mag/Issues/03/Making_Money.html
Sorry Colin the link broke.
You will have to c and p it.
Thanks Phoenix for the idea and links - I confess to being a bit lazy in the surfin' department - so am always open to tips from the cognoscenti.
We're now off to Juan. It's the time of year for weekly fireworks displays, and it's Germany's turn to impress with the pyrotechnics tonight.
I'm taking the camera, despite the whole world and his wife having posted Juan fireworks to YouTube.
I shall, needless to say, be on the look out for chains strung between bollards ...
If you are into travel and reading articles about other's adventures all over the world you will find it interesting. If you decide to write all about your own travels, they pay you and you can even write e-books, which is only extended blogging! It is not a mainstream travel blog but geared to people who have tried different lifestyles and gone off the beaten track, so to speak. Should suit you....and you can illustrate with photo's of your experiences (plus injuries)! lol
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